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QR Pay Collectoin Both Auto Realtime verified with customer VPA ID and Instant Verify Payment with UTR NO with baratpay

QR Code Pay Collect Source Software - Auto Payment verify with VPA ID, Instant or realtime payment verify using payment utr number, Get auto or real-time payments directly into bank account.

QR Pay Collectoin Both Auto Realtime verified with customer VPA ID and Instant Verify Payment with UTR NO

If you want to install QR pay collect software on your website to receive payment at zero service charge without extra pay, if you want to receive the full amount in your bank account then you can install QR pay collect software, that is you are a customer. Through this website, you can receive payment directly into your bank account in real time, QR pay collect software auto checks whether the payment has been received into your bank account or not. If the payment is received, you will be shown a success message. You can add balance in your wallet or purchase the product successfully, if payment is not received then success message is not given, only after payment is received in bank account it gives success message.

How does Auto Real time or instant payment verify work?

When a customer has to add his payment to his wallet using his ID, then the customer has to first enter the amount, how much amount he is going to pay, and also tells what amount has been entered. You have to make payment through phone like Bharat Pay, Amazon Pay, Phone Pe, Google Pay, whatever apps you want to make payment from, you will have to enter VPA or UPI ID of that pay phone and then you will have to make payment from that pay phone. If the user has entered the VPA ID, then the payment gets auto verified if he makes the payment with the same VPA ID. There is no need to enter the 12 digit reply number from the bank where the payment was made if the payment is made with the same VPA ID which the user had given before generating the QR code. tab auto system will work, but if he enters wrong vpa id in this way payment will not be auto verified in this way then user will have to give 12 digit UTR number then after clicking on verify button the system will check whether any amount has been entered on the UTR number. Whether the payment has been received in the bank account or not, you will get the success message if the UTR number is entered.

How to verify UTR with Payment Instant?

When you scan the QR code and make payment, the payment is received in the admin's bank account, then you get the 12 digit UTR number of your payment which is used in the screen shot of payment from the bank. After seeing this, you have to enter the 12 digit UTR number, then you have to click on the verify button, then you will check whether any payment has been received in the admin's bank account from that UTR number and you will get a success message if the payment is received. If the customer has already added the payment from the UTR number then he will not get to see the sequence message, he will get the message of already payment added so that a payment will not be added again and again.

How to setup QR Pay Collect Software

To install QR Pay Collection Software on your website, you will first have to purchase the zip file of QR Pay Collect Software, then in the zip file you will find a sql database file, a folder which contains php file and other files. Yes, there is no special requirement to run it, it will run in normal hosting, it supports all PHP versions. Before purchasing this QR pay collection software, check that you have created a business account on Bharat Pe. If you do not want to register your account in Bharat before going to play store, then you will get the process on YouTube, after having the account in Bharat, purchase the software, how is the QR pay collect software connected to Bharat, this process will be available to you. Inside the QR Pay collect software, you will find a doc folder containing complete information which you can follow while setting up and if you face any problem, you can whatsapp us.

Note:- If QR pay collect software is purchased, if proper setup is done then that software does not work then your payment will be refunded, but there is no problem in QR pay collect software. If there is any problem from your side, like Bharat account problem, hosting problem, no refund if proper setup is not done, you can chat on WhatsApp to get the software setup.

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  • Tags: bharat pe qr code gateway. Automatically qr payment receiver gateway, Automatically payment verify api